
tisdag 18 februari 2014

USA: - 5 Poliser slog ihjäl familjefar vid biograf - "misshandlades till ett blodigt köttstycke"

RT 2014-02-17. Efter en mindre familjedispyt på en biograf mellan en mor och hennes 17-åriga dotter, under familjens firande av alla hjärtans dag, så lämnade mamman biografen. Fadern i familjen skyndade då efter sin hustru för att hon inte skulle köra iväg i ilska från platsen...
...Här kommer USA:s poliskår in i bilden och "hjälper till" att lösa problemet. Lite enare är familjefadern död, brutalt misshandlad till döds av 5 poliser...
***Censur, givetvis...


5 police beat unarmed man to death outside movie theater in front of his wife and daughter, Confiscate Video
Publicerad den 16 feb 2014 - av:
Oklahoma police beat an unarmed father to death in front of his family, then confiscated his wife's cell phone with video of the incident.

From Newson6:

MOORE, Oklahoma - Three Moore Police officers were put on administrative leave while detective investigate an in-custody death from overnight. The family of the man who died said police beat him badly and they recorded it with a cell phone camera.
Nair Rodriguez and her daughter Lunahi told News 9 they got into an argument at the Warren Theater around midnight. Nair said she slapped her daughter then stormed away. Her husband, Luis, chased after her. That was when the family said officers confronted Luis Rodriguez and asked to see his identification.

According to Lunahi and Nair, he tried to bypass the officers to stop his wife from driving off because she was so angry. They said officers took him down and it escalated.
Lunahi Rodriguez said that five officers beat her father to death right in front of her, in the parking lot of the movie theater.

"When they flipped him over you could see all the blood on his face, it was, he was disfigured, you couldn't recognize him."

[...]Rodriguez told News 9 that police took her phone with the recording on it. Another family member provided News 9 with an audio recording she said was taken when that happened. The family hoped Luis would pull through, so they waited for news at the hospital.

This strikes me as a "contempt of cop" murder. They killed him because he failed to pay them sufficient attention. 

- Let's see if the video conveniently shows up corrupted or deleted.


Father trying to stop family fight beaten to death by Oklahoma cops

RT 2014-02-17
A Valentine’s Day outing turned tragic for one Oklahoma family who claims five police officers beat their father to death during a confrontation outside a local movie theater.

The death is currently under investigation, and three police officers have been placed on administrative leave as the probe unfolds.

The incident occurred February 14 in Moore, Oklahoma, when an argument erupted between Nair Rodriguez and her daughter Lunahi. Nair slapped her daughter during the dispute and ended up leaving the theater. When Luis Rodriguez chased after his wife in a bid to stop her, law enforcement officials intervened and asked for his identification.

According to NewsOK, police claim that Luis Rodriguez attempted to fight with police and that led to a physical altercation. Nair and Lunahi, however, told local media outlet News9 that allegation is false, and that Luis simply tried to bypass officers to keep his wife from driving off in anger.

As the confrontation escalated, five police officers allegedly beat Luis Rodriguez beyond recognition, a situation captured on a video by Nair’s cell phone.

“- They jumped on him like he was some kind of killer or drug dealer and beat him up,” Lunahi Rodriguez said to NewsOK. “He never fought the officers, they beat him on the head and that's how he lost his breath.”

"When they flipped him over you could see all the blood on his face, it was, he was disfigured, you couldn't recognize him,” she added to News9.

Although paramedics were already at the scene responding to a separate incident, Luis Rodriguez could not be revived. According to Nair Rodriguez, it was clear her husband had died as soon as the beating was over.

"I saw him. His [motionless] body when people carry it to the stretcher. I knew that he was dead,” she said.

- Afterwards, police asked Nair what happened and she said her husband was just trying to break up a fight between her and her daughter.

According to a spokesman for the Moore Police Department, police confiscated Nair Rodriguez’s phone as evidence, though it's unclear whether or not they’ve watched the video yet.

The Rodriguez family said it plans to hire an attorney and take legal action. 
USA: - 5 Poliser slog ihjäl familjefar vid biograf - misshandlades till ett blodigt köttstycke

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