
torsdag 26 december 2013

Mainstreams Pussy Riot - Viktigare än både Fukushimakatastrofen och miljoner döda i krig

2013-12-23. Samtliga medlemmar i Pussy Riot har nu äntligen släppts fria från ryska fängelser. En populär såpopera och samtidigt ett av västmedias största propagandaprojekt under året, som således går mot sitt slut. Åtminstone del ett...

Pussy-flickorna  har om man ser till bevakningsintensiteten, definitivt varit mycket viktigare för västmedia än t.ex. Fukushimakatastrofen, mänskliga rättigheter här i väst och de miljontals människor som mördats av USA under de senaste årens "fredskrigsmaskerade" invasionskrig.

- Vad säger detta egentligen om medias prioritering och agenda?


Pussy Riot band members Tolokonnikova and Alyokhina released in amnesty

Publicerad den 23 dec 2013
Nadezhda Tolokonnikova on Monday became the second Pussy Riot band member to be released under a massive amnesty. She left her prison in the Siberian region of Krasnoyarsk, hours after her bandmate Maria Alyokhina was released in Nizhny Novgorod.


Nadezhda Tolokonnikova till höger och Maria Alyokhina sade vid en presskonferens 27:e december i Moskva efter frisläppandet, att de tänker stanna kvar i Ryssland. De planerar även bilda en grupp för mänskliga rättigheter och eventuellt lägga ner punkbandet...
Fängelsevistelsen i BBC:s "Sovjet-Helvete" och i Sibiriens ödemarker verkar märkligt nog ha gjort underverk med Nadezhdas hy och hennes fotovänliga, självsäkra leende verkar inte heller ha tagit någon större skada...
Även Maria Alyokhina verkar ha kommit helskinnad ur de ryska fånglägren i "Helvetet" och verkar även hon ha fått ett ännu mer fotovänligt leende...

Pussy Riot abandons ‘brand,’ will form human rights group

RT 2013-12-27
The recently released members of punk band Pussy Riot say they will not continue their musical project, but will instead fight for human rights in Russia. The women plan to crowdfund a rights group and have invited Khodorkovsky and Navalny to join.

Pussy Riot’s Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina held a media conference in Moscow on Friday, announcing their plans to create a human rights group called “Rights Zone.” The two spoke to journalists days after their early release under President Putin’s amnesty, with Tolokonnikova paying a short visit to her family and child prior to the presser.

According to Tolokonnikova, she and Alyokhina do not intend to leave Russia, as they have “a lot of work to do” in the country with human rights issues and possible political activities.

However, their Pussy Riot days might be over. Nadezhda repeatedly stressed that she believes the punk project has now gone global, adding that she does not own the “brand.”

“The question on Pussy Riot should not be addressed just to us, as this project now lives separately from us in many different forms across the world,” Tolokonnikova said, adding that she may later take part in other “music experiments.”

But for now, the two women will be busy creating their new rights group, which they hope to do in close “ideological and conceptual” cooperation with controversial figures such as opposition leader Aleksey Navalny and former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who left for Germany last week after being pardoned and released from jail for “humanitarian reasons.” [...]

 Läs mer:
MSM:s Pussy Riot - Viktigare än både Fukushimakatastrofen och miljoner döda

1 kommentar:

  1. -Turkey slaps 36 protesters with terrorist charges-
    (Mainstream Presstitutes - just like saving "Pussy"?)

    January 3, 2014

    Source: Strategic Culture Foundation

    Prosecutors in Turkey have charged 36 people with terrorism in connection with massive anti-government protests that rocked the country last year.

    According to the indictment published on Friday, the suspects face a range of charges including membership in a terrorist organization, illegal possession of hazardous material, and terrorist propaganda.

    "Protests that began in May went beyond a democratic reaction and turned into propaganda and demonstration outlets of terrorist organizations with the guidance of marginal groups," read the document.

    "As a result, public property was destroyed, civil servants were incapacitated and security forces were injured," it added.

    The defendants will face up to 58 years in prison if convicted.

    In December 2013, more than 250 other protesters were indicted with similar charges.

    Anti-government demonstrations erupted in late May 2013, when people in Istanbul protested against the planned destruction of Gezi Park, in the city's Taksim Square.

    However, the protests soon spread across the country and snowballed into a nationwide outburst of anger against Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's rule.



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