
söndag 24 november 2013

USA: SWAT sköt ihjäl "stökig" 107-åring som vägrade att ge upp

En 107-årig man i Arkansas avled efter en eldstrid med ett SWAT-team. 107-åringe, Monroe Isadore, hade uppträtt stökigt och var beväpnad med en pistol. Isador hade därefter låst in sig ensam i ett rum för att undkomma polisen. Efter att polisens förhandlingar med mannen misslyckats, så tillkallades SWAT som snabbt löste problemet...

RT 2013-09-09
A 107-year-old man was shot dead in Arkansas after exchanging gunfire with a SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) team. Local authorities say the centenarian was killed after he refused to surrender.

According to reports, police officers responded to a domestic disturbance involving an aggravated assault against two people at a residence in Pine Bluff, where suspect, Monroe Isadore, was on Saturday evening.

The victims allegedly said Isadore had pointed a gun at them. They were quickly led out of the house by police, reported.

 When the officers approached the bedroom where he was hiding, Isadore shot through the door. No one was hit, however. Police retreated and called for additional help, namely SWAT officers who then engaged in negotiations with the 107-year-old suspect.

They placed a camera into the room where Isadore had taken refuge to verify that he was indeed armed with a handgun.

- Having failed to reach an agreement with the old man, officers fed gas into his room through a bedroom window, assuming Isadore would be left with no choice but to surrender.

The die-hard old-timer began firing rounds at the SWAT officers instead.

The officers broke down the door to the bedroom and threw in a distraction device.
Despite this, Isadore shot at the entry team, whereupon officers returned fire, shooting him dead.   
Law enforcement officials are investigating the incident.[...]
USA: SWAT sköt ihjäl "stökig" 107-åring som vägrade att ge upp

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