fredag 8 november 2013

USA: Familjefar ringde polisen för att läxa upp sin olydige son - Polisen sköt ihjäl sonen

En irriterad pappa skulle lära sin olydige son en läxa genom att för en gångs skull ringa polisen när sonen hittade på bus. Sonen hade ännu en gång lånat pappas bil utan lov och den här gången ville pappa statuera ett exempel med polisens hjälp...
Polisman Adam McPherson hittade snabbt den lånade bilen med sonen i, som dock inte ville stänga av bilens motor på polisens befallning. Polismannen löste enkelt problemet genom att skjuta 6 skott i rask takt mot bilen. Sonen dödsförklarades kort därefter...

Dad Calls Cops on Son to Teach Him a Lesson, Cops Shoot Son Dead

November 7, 2013
A father's attempt to teach his son a lesson for taking his truck without permission ended in tragedy Monday after a local police officer shot the teenager dead.

James Comstock told the Des Moines Register he called the police on his son Tyler after the latter took the former's truck in retaliation for refusing to buy him cigarettes.

Ames Police Officer Adam McPherson reportedly spotted the lawn care company vehicle and pursued it onto the Iowa State University campus, where a brief standoff ensued after Tyler allegedly refused orders to turn off the engine.

McPherson eventually fired six shots into the truck, two of which struck Tyler who was later pronounced dead.

RT 2013-11-08
Iowan Tyler Comstock was pursued and killed Monday by police after his father called law enforcement to report Tyler had stolen his truck. The cause of young Comstock’s flight? His father’s refusal to buy him cigarettes.

James Comstock said he had denied Tyler’s request for a pack of cigarettes, setting his son off.

“He took off with my truck. I call the police, and they kill him,” James Comstock told The Des Moines Register on Tuesday. “It was over a damn pack of cigarettes. I wouldn’t buy him none.”

“And I lose my son for that.”

The pursuit began on Monday morning, as Ames, Iowa Police Officer Adam McPherson trailed Tyler through red stoplights and flying debris from the truck’s lawn-equipment trailer onto the 33,000-student campus of Iowa State University.

Tyler and police vehicles rammed one another on a grassy expanse of the campus. This led to McPherson calling on Tyler to turn off the ignition. Tyler did not obey the order, revving the engine instead, resulting in McPherson firing seven rounds into the truck.

Comstock was hit in the head and chest, reports say, leading to his death. He was not armed.
Dispatch audio and a dashboard video from McPherson’s cruiser have surfaced since Monday. An unidentified police officer can be heard twice suggesting that McPherson should cease the chase, according to dispatcher audio obtained by the Register.

“If he’s that reckless coming into the college area, why don’t you back off,” the supervisor on the audio can be heard during the first suggestion.

As McPherson was exiting his car moments before firing, the dispatcher can be heard saying, “We know the suspect. We can probably back it off.” [...] 

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