
söndag 29 september 2013

Homelands dokusåpa: Alla Pratar Engelska och Alla är Terrorister!

Definitionen av det utslitna begreppet "misstänkt terrorist" verkar numera officiellt omfatta nästan samtliga amerikaner... (och snart även alla andra på jorden för den delen...) video

Government's definition of 'terrorist' encompasses practically everyone

Publicerad den 26 sep 2013
According to the US State Department, "no one definition of terrorism has gained universal acceptance" within our government. And what constitutes a terrorist is rather expansive, as Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) explains. Even former White House Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel meets the criteria. Perianne Boring has more.


Americans living in a police state

Uppladdad den 27 september 2010
The FBI raided the homes of a number of anti-war activists in Chicago and Minneapolis. The Activists are planning demonstrations against the FBI. Is this a sign of a growing American police state? Former Reagan official Paul Craig Roberts argued that the US government is establishing in the mind of the public that anyone who criticizes the War on Terror is aligned with terrorists. He further argued that under the rubric of terror the government has stripped American's of their civil liberties.


Homelands dokusåpa: Alla Pratar Engelska och Alla är Terrorister!

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