
söndag 4 augusti 2013

NSA gav 100 miljoner pund till GCHQ, "brittiska FRA" - Hur mycket fick svenska FRA?

Amerikanska NSA har betalat 100 miljoner pund till GCHQ, den brittiska motsvarigheten till svenska FRA, för att få 100%  insyn i all transatlantisk kommunikation, enligt "The Guardian". - Hur mycket betalade USA egentligen till Sverige och FRA för samma tjänster och vem var i verkligheten ansvarig för bomben som exploderade i Stockholm 2010, som gjorde det hela möjligt..?

NSA "köpte" GCHQ, den brittiska motsvarigheten till FRA, för 100 miljoner pund...
Publicerad den 3 aug 2013
Documents leaked by US whistleblower Edward Snowden suggest that Verizon Business, Vodafone Cable and BT were among those who gave GCHQ unlimited access to their network of cables.

Their collaboration allowed the agency to harvest millions of phone calls, emails and Facebook conversations. This comes in the wake of reports that America's National Security Agency is generously funding British surveillance. RT's Sara Firth reports.

Även dåliga analytiker inser säkert rätt snabbt att de s.k. bomberna i Stockholm 2010 detonerade (eller puffade?) lite väl lägligt för att vara speciellt trovärdiga ur tillfällighetssynpunkt... När det ligger flera 100 miljarder i potten så kan säkert ett och annat "fyrverkeri" smälla av vid lämpliga tillfällen. (Även i Sverige)

Foiled or Faked: FBI ‘entrapment’ tactics fuel home-grown terror? (Oct. 2010)

Fake terror, real sentence: FBI inspiration for 25 years in jail (July 3, 2011)

FBI organizes almost all terror plots
in the US (...and in Sweden..?)

NSA gav 100 miljoner pund till GCHQ, "brittiska FRA" - Hur mycket fick svenska FRA?

3 kommentarer:

  1. --Outsourced: NSA Paying UK Spy Agency to Surveil Americans--

    August 1, 2013

    In documents leaked by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden and reported on by the Guardian, "top secret payments" of at least £100m (roughly $150m) over the past three years were made to the agency in exchange for the UK agency to "pull its weight" in regards to international surveillance.

    According to Guardian reporters Nick Hopkins and Julian Borger:

    Ministers have denied that GCHQ does the NSA's "dirty work," but in the documents GCHQ describes Britain's surveillance laws and regulatory regime as a "selling point" for the Americans.

  2. --Skype Provided Backdoor Access to the NSA Before Microsoft Takeover--

    June 20th, 2013,

    The NSA saga continues in the Redmond-based empire, this time with a new report aimed at Microsoft’s flagship VoIP platform Skype.

    A report published by The New York Times and citing people who asked not to be named for obvious reasons, Skype developed its own user-monitoring system before the Microsoft acquisition in October 2011.

    It appears that US intelligence agencies have insisted that local software companies must cooperate closer with the NSA, so it asked several top vendors, including Skype, to put together secret teams to develop systems that would provide them with backdoor access to users’ conversations.

    The source claims that the NSA wanted “to control the process themselves” and thus skip the process of contacting the parent company and asking for details on select user accounts.

    This is how Skype Project Chess was born. “Less than a dozen people inside Skype” have been asked to develop a hidden system that would allow the NSA to access conversations and user details at any time.

    Skype officially joined the PRISM program on February 6, 2011, so it’s believed that the backdoor access system was already up and running at that time, more than half a year before the Microsoft acquisition was completed.[...]

  3. Det är bara amerikanarna som ser rätt och kan rätt.
    Svenska statliga spionerna på nätet skvallrar och läcker till fel källor.
    Sverige har i alla fall ingen rätt för i Sverige finns ingen rätt.
    Dom som spionerar i dalarna sitter under ericsson i främby.



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