
lördag 3 augusti 2013

Guantanamo beräknas kosta USA 18 miljoner per fånge under 2013 - nya siffror

- Gulag Guantanamo är extremt dyrt i drift, del 2.
RT. 2013-07-31. De senaste siffrorna visar på att Guantanamo kommer att kosta ungefär 2.7 miljoner dollar per fånge under 2013, vilket är närmare 18 miljoner kronor... (engelsk text)

I början av maj hade bloggen en artikel från Reuters som presenterade siffror för Guantanamos kostnader under 2012. Då hamnade kostnaden på cirka 6 miljoner per fånge och år. Nu har nya siffror kommit som är en kostnadsprognos för 2013 vilken visar på att kostnaden per fånge då kommer att bli runt 18 miljoner kronor...


President Barack Obama continues to call for closing the Guantanamo Bay military prison, but it’s not just supposed human rights violating inching him along. Keeping the detention center open will cost the government $5.2 billion by the end of next year.

More than 160 men remain detained at Gitmo, many serving indefinite stints without ever being brought to trial. Keeping that prison open comes at a cost that exceeds just human rights concerns, though, according to a report presented to Congress last week by the Department of Defense’s Office of the Comptroller.

The analysis, first provided to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and made public last week, concluded that the cost of keeping the Pentagon open will amount to $5.242 billion by the end of 2014.

- Speaking on Capitol Hill last week, Sen. Dick Durbin said the cost of keeping Gitmo open for just 2013 will top $454 million, amounting to roughly $2.7 million for each one of the detainees held on the United States military base on the Cuban coast.

By comparison, Durbin said housing any of those detainees at a federal, high-security prison outside of the base would run no more than $72,000 a year.

"Our national security and military leaders have concluded that the risk of keeping Guantanamo open far outweighs the risk of closing it because the facility continues to harm our alliances and serve as a recruitment tool for terrorist,” the senator said.

According to the Pentagon report, the $454 million price-tag includes $14.1 million to fund prisoner review boards that will assess the cases of 71 detainees at the base, as well as $40 million for a planned fiber-opic cable between the base and mainland America, nearly $60 million for contractors and $116 million to operate the Gitmo military court.
Meanwhile, President Obama says Congress must act appropriately to expedite his plan to pull the plug on the facility.

At the same hearing Sen. Durbin spoke of closing down Guantanamo Bay last week, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, called operating the prison “a massive waste of money.”

"Ten years with no hope, no trial [and] no charge,” for those inmates, Sen. Feinstein said.
The chairwoman also slammed the Obama administration for permitting prison officials to force-feed detainees, saying "I believe it violates international norms and medical ethics, and at Guantanamo it happens day after day.”

Now in addition to human rights error and the ongoing urging of President Obama, the escalating cost of keeping dozens of men locked up indefinitely could finally prompt that sort of response, especially during an era of sequestering that has stripped the Pentagon of much of its funding this year already.

So far, though, hardline Republicans have insisted that closing down Gitmo would come at a cost to national security that far exceeds the continuously increasing price-tag.

These detainees are bad, bad people. They hate America. They've sworn to kill Americans and in fact they've done so on the battlefield. And that's why when they were captured they were sent to Guantanamo. And that's where they should stay," said Rep. Bill Young (R-Florida) at the July 24 hearing on the Hill.

Gitmo: The most expensive prison in the world

Publicerad den 6 aug 2013
The prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba has been open for 12 years and throughout that time period, a total of 779 men who were suspected terrorists were detained at the facility. It turns out that 92 percent of those men had no affiliation with al-Qaeda. Since before Obama became president of the US, he said closing down the prison was a top priority, but yet it remains open. RT's Sam Sacks reviews the numbers through the years.

 Guantanamo beräknas kosta USA 18 miljoner per fånge under 2013 - nya siffror

2 kommentarer:

  1. -US Congress keeps putting blocks on closing Guantanamo-

    August 06.

    Guantanamo continues to exist, despite President Obama recognizing that it is the darkest page in US history, as Congress and everybody else around him put blocks its closure, a former Gitmo detainee Moazzam Begg told RT.

    RT: Some hunger strikers dropped out of the hunger strike during Ramadan, Is it a temporary measure or a sign of the end of the strike?

    Moazzam Begg: No, it is definitely a temporary measure, but of course people are going to be fasting during the day anyway, from sunrise to sunset. As a respect, I mean this is ironic, but the Americans are not force-feeding people during the day, they are doing it now during the night when the people are not fasting. But that of course, that’s only for the people that are hunger striking. And the hunger strike will I believe recommence as soon as Ramadan in over, because this is not about a lull this is about a concept for justice, that these people have been fighting for. They have absolutely no choice but to hunger strike to the point at which they are, I believe, ready to die.

    RT: Why the prison officials do not listen to the world community? [...]

  2. -Obama stoppar inte tvångsmatning av fångar-

    SR 8 augusti

    Under våren har många fångar som sitter inlåsta vid fånglägret Guantánamo hungerstrejkat i protest, men då blivit tvångsmatade genom slangar. President Barack Obama har kritiserat tvångsmatningen, men ändå inte stoppat den.

    – Säkert, humant, lagligt och öppet, det är slagorden för vårt uppdrag, berättar militärens talesman kapten Robert Durand.



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