
onsdag 31 juli 2013

Pepparsprejande polis i USA kräver ekonomisk ersättning för psykiskt lidande

2013-07-26. Den sadistiske amerikanske polismannen, John Pike, som blev känd över hela världen när han brutalt pepparsprejade skolungdomar, kräver nu ekonomisk ersättning för psykiskt lidande...(Video+bilder)

Pepparsprejande sadistisk polis som medvetet skadade skolungdomar kräver ersättning för psykiskt lidande...

Publicerad den 26 juli 2013
In 2011, student protesters at the University of California - Davis got pepper sprayed for participating in a sit-in Occupy demonstration. Now John Pike, the cop responsible for drenching the students, is appealing for workers' compensations because, according to him, he suffered "psychiatric injuries" from the incident. RT's Erin Ade has more.

 ----The John Pike Gallery----
På webben finns ett stort antal kreativa och konstnärliga bilder där polisens arbete förevigats. Här har bloggen samlat några...



RT. The California police officer who was filmed blanketing a group of peaceful Occupy protesters with pepper spray has filed for worker’s compensation after experiencing psychiatric problems when footage of the incident went viral.

John Pike has a settlement conference scheduled for August 13 in Sacramento, according to the California Department of Industrial Relations.  

The video of Pike spraying protesters during a 2011 demonstration at the University of California was quickly posted to social media and soon became a rallying point for international Occupy movements. The images depict Pike calmly dispersing pepper spray on roughly a dozen protesters who are seated in a line on the ground and seemingly presenting no threat to police. Multiple other officers are shown pushing back protesters. Demonstrators can be heard emitting a sudden gasp as Pike brandishes the pepper spray can in a dramatic flourish. 

Pike was placed on administrative leave before being fired in July 2012 - eight months after a task force found that his action was unwarranted, according to AP. The Oakland police first described the pepper spray incident as a “non-confrontational strategy.” 

Pike is expected to now claim that he was subjected to internet threats and psychological injuries after the footage was published online. [...]


Police mace peaceful California students at an OWS protest


Pepparsprejande polis i USA kräver ekonomisk ersättning för psykiskt lidande

Polisen i USA märkte demonstranter med osynligt bläck

Publicerad den 31 juli 2013
Several Occupy Montreal protesters were marked by invisible ink on their hands by cops. Other police departments in the US are using ink to mark property, but what happens when inking property, turns to inking people- as it did for the protesters in Montreal? When cops can mark citizens in protests with invisible ink, what else can they use? Introduced to the police market a "DNA gun"-- featured in the Las Vegas "shot show" this year, a DNA gun that leaves an invisible trace on skin. Other gadgets may be coming to law enforcement near you. RT's Margaret Howell explains.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Han är tyvärr bara en liten sadistisk snut! annars hade han ju varit perfekt för en nominering till det eminenta fredspriset nobel, men å andra sidan så verkar det finnas gott om priser till psykopater. Kan ju om inte annat dela nått pris med bush eller monsanto.

    1. Vi får väl se vad fredspriskommittén beslutar. Kanske är det så att Breivik är en kandidat som går före i kön, vem vet?

      Tills vidare får Sadist Snuten (SS) nöja sig med ett eget galleri på bloggen.

  2. --Police kill 95-year-old man with bean-bag rounds--

    The Cook County medical examiner’s office said John Warna, a 95-year-old resident of a senior living community in Park Forest, Ill., died of blunt force trauma of the abdomen after police shot him with bean bag rounds.

  3. --Pepper-spray lieutenant appeals for worker’s comp--

    The former police lieutenant who became the target of worldwide ire after dousing Occupy UC Davis protesters with pepper spray, John Pike, is appealing for worker’s compensation, claiming psychiatric injury caused by the Nov. 18, 2011, incident.



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