
söndag 28 juli 2013

- Hur går det egentligen med demokratin som USA håller på att införa i Syrien?

2013-07-24. En video-rapport om läget i Syrien i samband med att USA och EU tänker leverera nya vapen till stridande Islamister och al-Qaida-lojala grupper..

Rebel Yell: Al-Qaeda extremists hold 200 'human shields' in Syria

Publicerad den 24 juli 2013
Al-Qaeda-linked extremists are holding around 200 Kurdish civilians hostage. Meanwhile some western states, including the UK, have so far backtracked on their arms supply to the opposition - voicing concerns about the threat of extremists in Syria. The Free Syrian Army has admitted it will accept help from anyone, including Al-Qaeda. All this while Syrian opposition figures are lobbying Paris for advanced weapons, and then will go to the US. RT's Paula Slier and Paul Scott have the details. RT is also joined by rebel army spokesperson Zaky Mallah.


The Truthseeker:
-Manualen till Amerikas nya kolonier 

Publicerad den 28 juli 2013

- Leaked new army manual: US troops are wearing "enemy uniform although Geneva Conventions prohibit this". 

It comes as anti-Assad groups admit a "third force" sparked the war, while unexplained snipers triggered the coup in Egypt; Christof Lehmann tells The Truthseeker how the UN is the "instrument for warfare" preparing the ground for America's next colonies; shocking torture footage of the West's Arab dictators; and why the Saudis did 9/11.

Seek truth from facts with Big Oil & Their Bankers In The Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network author Dean Henderson, Dr. Kevin Barrett, author of Questioning the War on Terror, nsnbc investigative reporter Christof Lehmann, Eric Draitser of Boiling Frogs Post, and Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar.


- Hur går det egentligen med demokratin som USA håller på att införa i Syrien?

4 kommentarer:

  1. --Majority of Americans disapprove of Obama’s foreign policy handling--

    July 11, 2013

    Approval for Barack Obama’s foreign policy has dropped to an all-time low, with just 40 percent of Americans backing the president’s handling of international affairs, while 52 percent disagree with his performance on the global stage, a new poll reveals.

    The survey, released by Quinnipiac University on Thursday, shows that overall assessments of Obama’s foreign policy are equally bleak when broken down on an issue-by-issue basis.

    Only 33 percent of Americans support Obama’s proposed path on dealing with Syria, with the majority opposed to intervention.

    Among those polled, only 27 percent of registered voters believe US involvement in Syria serves the national interest, while the same number Americans support the president’s plan of providing arms and military supplies to forces fighting to topple the government of President Bashar Assad.

    Meanwhile, 59 percent of Americans remain opposed to providing material support to Syrian rebels, with the overall lack of support cutting across party lines.

    However, by a margin of 49 percent to 38 percent, voters did approve of the use of unmanned drones or missiles to attack Syrian government targets if it did not put American lives at risk.

  2. --CIA’s favorite Saudi prince is laying the groundwork for a post-Assad Syria--

    Saudi Arabia’s Prince Bandar bin Sultan fell in love with the United States when he was still an air force pilot and took aerobatics training on an American air base. The romance was renewed several years later when he was named the Saudi ambassador to Washington, a tenure that lasted 22 years. He was a regular guest of George H.W. Bush and later his son, and was the only ambassador guarded by the U.S. Secret Service.

  3. --Thousands of Syrian police who joined the rebels are on U.S. payroll--

    Officials said the administration of President Barack Obama has approved tens of millions of dollars to pay the salaries of police officers who joined the rebels. They said the officers were working to maintain order in rebel-controlled territory, mostly in northern Syria.

  4. -Agnes Mariam, känd företrädare för katolska kyrkan i Syrien:

    23 april 2013

    Vad vi ser idag är att rebellerna för ett krig mot det syriska folket. De säger att de befriar områden, men vad de egentligen gör är att de befriar områdena från dess invånare.

    Befolkningen flyr till städer som är under den syriska arméns kontroll.

    95 procent av rebellerna är extrema islamister, allierade med al-Qaida. Verkligheten är den att västländerna uppmuntrar och stödjer terrorism i Syrien.

    De stödjer rebeller som håller på att förstöra hela det syriska samhället.

    – Västländer uppmuntrar och stödjer terrorism i Syrien. Väst har ett ansvar för varje enskild civil som dödas i Syrien.

    Rebellerna har förstört elkraftverk, vattenreningsanläggningar, spannmålslager och historiska och kulturella platser. I Aleppo har de monterat ned och fraktat 1400 fabriker till Turkiet, vilket gjort 40.000 arbetslösa.

    Upproret har inte fört med sig något positivt.

    Internationella medier som New York Times har börjat rapportera att rebellerna infört sharialagstiftning i områden som de kontrollerar.

    Syriska kvinnor fråntas rättigheter de sett som självklara i decennier."



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