
onsdag 19 juni 2013

Assange: Ecuadors ambassad bästa skyddet från USA - Sverige sitter på läktaren



RT 2013-06-18
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange took shelter in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London one year ago Wednesday, sparking a standoff with UK authorities that could leave the world-renowned whistleblower cooped up for years to come.

When Assange first made his asylum bid 365 days ago, the tense standoff that ensued seemed likely to ignite an international incident.

British authorities “warned” Ecuador that they could raid its embassy and arrest Julian Assange if he was not handed over, a move the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister charged would be a “flagrant violation” of international law.

Although the situation has significantly calmed since then, the UK’s commitment to arresting Assange remains unwavering.

Britain has vowed it will do everything in its power to block Assange’s passage to Ecuador despite being granted asylum by Quito in August 2012. Downing Street commitment to securing Assange’s extradition to Sweden, where is wanted for questioning over sex crime allegations by two women, has manifested itself in a year-long police presence outside of the embassy building in Knightsbridge, London. As of Wednesday, the
Telegraph estimates that the policing the Ecuadorian Embassy has cost British taxpayers in excess of $6.6 million dollars.

Following talks between Ecuador’s Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino and his British counterpart William Hague on Monday, both sides agreed to keep the channels of communication open, but “no breakthrough” was made on the Assange case.

Patino said he remained in good spirits despite his limited living accommodations which Assange likened to living in a space station. 

The Ecuadorean government stood by its decision to grant Assange asylum, vowing there would be no changes in his circumstances.[...]


Julian Assange: 1 Year in Limbo

Publicerad den 20 jun 2013
Abby Martin goes over a timeline of events that resulted in Julian Assange spending one year holed inside the Ecuadorean embassy in London, and the international pressures that transformed the online whistleblower into public enemy number one.
Artiklar och handlingar om Assange på Undermattan:

Ecuador kan ge även Snowden asyl - Assange beredd på 5 år till på ambassaden

Sofia Wiléns sexuella Assange-äventyr - krävde ny specialbeställd Reinfeldt-advokat!

ASSANGE - Information wants to be free - even in Sweden

Reinfeldts familjeadvokat företräder Sofia Wilén i målet mot Julian Assange

Assange - Vem betalar och vem har bollen?

Anna Ardins hämndskola!


Storbritanniens skattebetalare betalar 35 miljoner för en trasig kondom utan DNA?

ASSANGE - Information wants to be free - even in Sweden - part 2

HD:s Stefan Lindskog citerade sekretessbelagt polismaterial vid föreläsning

Varför ler Anna igen? - Vi har svaret! (...och det är inte vackert)

Julian Assange Must Die

Assange och Ecuadors inbjudan till förhör - diverse material

Taxi driver Göran Rudlings brev till regeringen angående Assange - Leaks - m.m.

"Prata om det" - med Ardin, Wilén, Hurtig och Alice Cooper! &Häktespromemorian

Björn Hurtig, Assanges f.d. advokat - PRATAR OM DET!

WikiLeaks and Democracy - 14 May 2013

Wikileaks vinner över VISA i historiskt domstolsbeslut på Island

Expert om Assangefallet: Skamligt av Sverige att åter bryta mot mänskliga rättigheter 



Assange: Ecuadors ambassad bästa skyddet från USA - Sverige sitter på läktaren

2 kommentarer:

  1. IP: June 19, 2013 11:34:41 AM
    ISP: Sveriges Television AB
    Landed: UNDER MATTAN: Farliga bröstimplantat
    IP: June 19, 2013 11:11:11 AM
    Organization: Royal Institute of Technology
    IP: June 19, 2013 09:16:37 AM
    ISP: Tele2 SWIPnet
    Organization: TV4 A | Host:

  2. --Ron Paul salutes WikiLeaks--

    November 01, 2011

    Congressman Ron Paul used a speaking engagement in Iowa over the weekend to offer his support to whistleblowers, applauding WikiLeaks in particular for exposing political fallacies.

    Speaking before a crowd at the National Federation of Republican Assemblies’ (NFRA) Iowa Straw Poll, Paul saluted whistleblowers for helping the rest of America be in-the-know when the government wants otherwise, noting that even when the government says they are in support of whistleblowers, authorities continue to prosecute people who are only trying to bring transparency to the way the country works.

    “The net results of protecting whistleblowers doesn’t work out that well,” Paul said on Saturday during his speech. “It all depends on what they’re blowing the whistle on. If they don’t want that information out, they come down very hard on the whistle blower.”

    Private First Class Bradley Manning has been in the custody of the US government for 16 months now due to allegation that he leaked sensitive military information to WikiLeaks. For his supposed involvement, he has been subjected to cruel and harsh punishment and continued incarceration as he awaits trial. His imprisonment comes, however, during the administration of a president that touts himself as being remarkably transparent in his affairs.



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