
torsdag 23 maj 2013

Utomjordisk närvaro i USA med Steven Greer - Små gröna män med stora gröna sedlar?

De kom från en fjärran planet till de intet ont anande naiva jordborna. Resultatet blev en värld full av korruption, dekadens och utstuderad ondska. 
Då så, då har vi pratat nog om bankirerna och kan fortsätta prata om "The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence" i USA, som nyligen avslöjade att det finns "besökare" bland oss...

Steven Greer:
Citizen Hearing On Disclosure 2013 HD

Published on May 4, 2013
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race will attempt to accomplish what the Congress has failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time.

For this reason the motto for the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is "If the Congress will not do its job, the people will."

This event will be live streamed to the world via the Internet in at least four and possibly five languages. Furthermore, the entire hearing will be filmed as the basis for a forthcoming documentary - Truth Embargo.

The title of this film is fitting as the goal of the Citizen Hearing is nothing less than the end of the extraterrestrial truth embargo this year. The world's people have waited long enough.

Artikeltips från: Zeke

Utomjordisk närvaro i USA med Steven Greer - Små gröna män med stora gröna sedlar?

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