
onsdag 22 maj 2013

Ny och bättre plastpistol tillverkad i billig 3D-printer - klarade 9 skott

En ny video med ett s.k. "Wikivapen" publicerades den 20:e maj på YouTube. Videon visar upp en ny och bättre plastpistol tillverkad i en 3D-printer,

Billigare och bättre - nytt vapen från 3D-printer
Den senaste plastpistolen som tillverkats med en 3D printer visades den 20:e maj upp på webben. För omkring 150 kronor i tillverkningskostnad, framställde ett par hobbyister en funktionsduglig pistol i en förhållandevis billig 3D-printer. Pistolen klarade 9 skott innan den la av.

$25 Gun Created With Cheap 3D Printer Fires Nine Shots

Andy Greenberg
May 21, 2013
When high tech gunsmith group Defense Distributed test-fired the world’s first fully 3D-printed firearm earlier this month, some critics dismissed the demonstration as expensive and impractical, arguing it could only be done with a high-end industrial 3D printer and that the plastic weapon wouldn’t last more than a single shot. 

Now a couple of hobbyists have proven them wrong on both counts.
One evening late last week, a Wisconsin engineer who calls himself “Joe” test-fired a new version of that handgun printed on a $1,725 Lulzbot A0-101 consumer-grade 3D printer, far cheaper than the one used by Defense Distributed. Joe, who asked that I not reveal his full name, loaded the weapon with .380 caliber rounds and fired it nine times, using a string to pull its trigger for safety.

The weapon survived all nine shots over the course of an evening, as you can see in the YouTube video below. (The clip was filmed by Michael Guslick, a fellow Wisconsin engineer who helped Joe with his tests and who is known for printing one of the first working lower receivers for AR-15 semi-automatic rifles.)


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