
onsdag 8 maj 2013

Källor: Israelisk attack mot Syrien koordinerad med med al-Qaida-offensiv

Källor: Israelisk attack mot Syrien koordinerad med al-Qaida-ledd rebelloffensiv

Enligt Egyptiska och Jordanska underrättelseuppgifter så var Israels bombangrepp på Syrien samordnade med en markoffensiv från al-Qaida-ledda rebellstyrkor.
RT 2013-05-06
Syria slams Israel for aligning with rebels after alleged strikes

Syria has accused Israel of supporting rebel factions following airstrikes at the weekend. Washington claimed it had no warning of the strike, while Israel stepped up the military presence on its borders without confirming their hand in the attack.

Syrian state news outlet SANA reported that the Foreign Ministry sent identical letters to the president and secretary general of the UN Security Council deploring the attacks and urging action against Israel.

"While stressing its right to defend itself , its land and sovereignty, the Syrian Arab Republic demands that the international Security Council shoulder its responsibilities to stop the Israeli aggression on Syria and prevent its recurrence and prevent the deterioration of the situation in the region so as not to go out of control," wrote SANA, quoting the letters. The Syrian government likened the strike to a declaration of war by Israel.
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Source: Israeli Airstrike on Syria Coordinated With Al-Qaeda Militants

Jihadists doing the dirty work of the very powers they claim to oppose  

Paul Joseph Watson May 6, 2013
Israel’s airstrike on Syria was timed to precede an Al-Qaeda-led rebel offensive against President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces according to Egyptian and Jordanian intelligence sources, underscoring once again how jihadists are doing the dirty work of the very powers they claim to oppose.

“Israel’s air strike in Syria today was coordinated with Turkey, which in turn coordinated rebel attacks throughout Syria timed to coincide with the Israeli strike,” sources told WABC host and New York Times bestselling author Aaron Klein.

Although the Syrian rebels were not given advance knowledge of the Israeli attack, they were specifically told when to launch new offensives in order to take advantage of the airstrike, which according to reports killed at least 100 Syrian Army troops.

“Almost the moment the Israel Air Force departed was the moment the rebel advance began,” the Egyptian intelligence source told Klein.

In the weeks preceding the airstrike, the Syrian Army had scored notable victories against FSA rebels, taking back central areas of Homs just days before the attack. But the Israeli offensive greased the skids for militants to use, “access roads to advance toward Damascus,” where they launched, “heavy clashes with Syrian military forces throughout the country,” including in “northeast Rankous in Damascus; Daraya city in the Damascus countryside; and also in the villages of Homs, al-Alqamieh, Tunaibeh and Menneg in the Aleppo countryside.”

As we highlighted yesterday, Israel and the United States routinely rely on Al-Qaeda to destabilize their enemies in the region.

Not only has Israel supported Al-Qaeda-led rebels in Syria, even setting up field hospitals for injured fighters, but back in 2002 Israel was caught actually creating an Al-Qaeda group in order to justify attacks on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

The United States and Israel have also armed and funded Al-Qaeda-affiliated groups in Iran to carry out bombings and assassinations for years.
NATO powers also openly armed and funded the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Libyan Islamic FIghting Group to topple Colonel Gaddafi in 2011.

It was also recently revealed that the State Department hired Al-Qaeda-linked militants to “defend” the diplomatic mission in Benghazi that was later attacked.

Given this recent history, our characterization of Barack Obama as “the global head of Al-Qaeda” is looking more and more accurate.

It has also emerged that the same terrorists backed by the US and Israel were also most likely responsible for a recent chemical weapons attack, the so-called “red line” cited by the Obama administration that would justify military intervention (but only if it can be blamed on Assad’s forces).
“U.N. human rights investigators have gathered testimony from casualties of Syria’s civil war and medical staff indicating that rebel forces have used the nerve agent sarin, one of the lead investigators said on Sunday,” reports Reuters.

“Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof of the use of sarin gas, from the way the victims were treated,” Del Ponte said in an interview with Swiss-Italian television.

Infowars has documented several examples where US-backed rebels have been caught on tape testing chemical weapons or discussing their delivery, but such reports have been ignored by the corporate media, who instead instantly seize on any suggestion of Assad’s forces doing the same with zero evidence and little explanation as to why the Syrian Army would launch limited chemical weapons attacks when it would do nothing to advance them militarily and would only welcome global condemnation and increase the chances of outside military intervention.

The coordination of Al-Qaeda attacks against Syrian Army forces immediately after the Israeli airstrike once again exemplifies how the conflict in Syria is not a grass roots uprising, as the NATO-aligned media has framed it, but a hegemonic assault by the US and Israel, who are once again working with Al-Qaeda terrorists to dismantle a sovereign nation.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

5 kommentarer:


    1. Från artikeln på länken:
      "This morning, the government of Israel contacted President Assad of Syria. They did so as the leader of a coalition now openly at war against Syria and Iran, with plans to broaden the conflict. Assad was told he would be allowed to continue his rule, but on the “Jordanian model,” as a puppet of Israel and Turkey."
      "Usrael" kan nog va lugna, för de flesta här i väst bryr sig inte om att läsa sånt här.
      - Många här är ju fullt upptagna med sina "Tintin-böcker" som behöver flyttas längre bak i bokhyllan...

    2. Sant, trivialiteter är mångas favorit nr 1. Här: dagens bästa läsning. Ha en trevlig helg!

    3. Tackar, "The Daily Sheeple"
      - med ett sånt namn kan man bara inte misslyckas :)

      "As our national moral compass has been compromised, so too has our ability to recognize the other assaults to our sovereignty, or our willingness to speak out against our own destruction."

      Hollywood, media (och Saudi ang. Mellanöstern) har förmodligen en större del i förfallet i världen, än många ger de aktörerna kred för.

      "Wake the Flock Up..."

  2. Hur jag blev väldigt rik, jag går med i illuminati med hjälp av Edmundo som hjälper mig och initierade mig och blev min stora mästare idag, jag är en väldigt rik 34-årig man nu tack vare min stora mästare för att göra mig medlem i Illuminati om du vill vara medlem kontakta herr Edmundo min stora mästare på whatsapp nummer +2348159768201 du kan också maila mig på

    Jag är från Sverige och jag heter Mohamed Melvin



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