
söndag 19 maj 2013

Journalister övervakas - USA på väg att bli samma typ av land som de ständigt krigar mot

USA:s omfattande övervakning av landets journalister har kritiserats hårt efter avslöjandet om avlyssningen av Associated Press medarbetare.

Obamas polisstat - värsta övervakningen-regimen i USA:s historia - Obama jämförs med Nixon*
RT 2013-05-16
Justification of far-reaching surveillance on the Associated Press
is evidently based on interests of national security, the “last refuge of scoundrels” looking to suppress information, Norman Solomon, of the media watch group ‘FAIR’, told RT.
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RT 2013-05-14 (engelsk text)
The White House has denied any prior knowledge of the Justice Department’s investigation of the Associated Press. US Attorney General has defended the probe, saying the “aggressive action” was in response to national security being put at risk.

Just hours after the AP reported on Monday that the Justice Department secretly obtained two months of telephone records of reporters and editors employed by the news agency, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said, “Other than press reports, we have no knowledge of any attempt by the Justice Department to seek phone records of the AP.”

"We are not involved in decisions made in connection with criminal investigations, as those matters are handled independently by the Justice Department,” said Carney. “Any questions about an ongoing criminal investigation should be directed to the Department of Justice.”

Meanwhile, US Attorney General Eric Holder defended the probe during a Tuesday afternoon press conference, but said he recused himself from the investigation because he was interviewed earlier by the FBI on the matter and didn’t want to provoke a conflict of interest.

"I don't know all that went into the formulation of the subpoena,” Holder said, adding that actions were taken after a leak was of great severity was discovered that “put the American people at risk.”

"I'm confident that people involved in this investigation...did all things according to DOJ rules,” said Holder, although he admitted that some matters regarding the probe were beyond his knowledge. Holder also admitted that a deputy attorney general approved of the probe. Later on Tuesday, US Deputy Attorney General James Cole declined a request made by the AP to return the seized phone records.

According to the AP, Cole told the agency that the records were "limited to a reasonable period of time" and did not seek the content of any calls.

Journalister övervakas - USA på väg att bli samma typ av land som de ständigt krigar mot

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