
måndag 27 maj 2013

IMMIGRANT RIOTS IN SWEDEN!! - the Zionist media go crazy - pay people to burn cars

"They don’t want to integrate and bend over like our other Swedish puppy's..."

It's very disappointing said, Kent Ekeroth, from the Swedish Zionist Counter-jihad party (aka SD). 
Our Swedish Zionist owned media
even had to pay the rioters to burn their own cars, they just wouldn't do it otherwise, Ekeroth continued, stupid immigrants. Not intelligent like me and my criminal Jewish mother who immigrated to Sweden and got thrown in jail for stealing millions of the Swedish taxpayers money.

An employe from the Swedish national television, SVT, revealed that Sweden's two biggest tabloid magazines offered to pay "the so called rioters" in Husby $1-2000 to burn cars.
To get a balanced picture of the Swedish immigration problem, the Russia news giant, RT, proudly interviewed  some of Sweden's worst Nazis and a bunch of Sweden's leading hateful racists. 

surprise...The Muslims done it! - Now we're all waiting for the terrorist card to be played by Swedish journalists, who have had a pleasant riot so far, without to many rioters present in their often fabricated pictures. (...if any rioters present at all??)

Aftonbladets bosses had a big party, drank champagne, fabricated stories about stone-throwing Husby-rioters and then put it all out on Twitter. - They got caught lying - so what??, one cares in Sweden. :)

It's the way we do things in Sweden. Nothing is real and nothing is what it seams to be. It's just PR. We sell guns to dictatorships and do our best to destroy the world together with the US.

Read More (in Swedish):

- Kent Ekeroth's allies and good friends in the fascist EDL, might have to visit Ekeroth again in Sweden, just to teach the unwilling Swedish rioters, how to burn cars.


YEA, I'll burn your fuc*ing cars and burn your mothers at the same time, for free!

“They [Muslim youths] have always sought excuse to show that they are not agreeing with the basic values of Western society,” one racist said, pointing to the recent cases of the false flag Boston Marathon bombing in the US and yesterday’s beheading of a British soldier in the UK as he forgot to mention the couple of millions killed by the UK-soldiers friends...

Bosse Johnsson - "The Free Party"
- One of the few sane voices interviewed on RT - gets cut off...
Read the full statement of The Free Party, that Bosse wasn't allowed to present. RT refused to let it air - instead giving lot's of time for pathetic racists to get their point through.

are against the contribution migration.
That is, migration caused by all government grants, which in turn capitalizes major banks and the pyramidscheme currency. The chaos that occurs leads us towards a police state under controlled opposition parti

SD or Sweden Democrats is a prime example of a political party that single out immigrants as the problem and not the contributions that are linked to banks' growth. This party wants to introduce a police state in Sweden, and the media gives them their full support and space in their newspapers.

- Sweden is involved to destabilize the migrants' home countries and contributes to the weapons sent there, Sweden has even weapons factories in dictatorship countries.

Contributing factors to the riots, is thus banks and parties such as SD Swedish Democrats and the fact that the current Swedish government is fascist influenced, the Swedish central bank borrows the monopoly money created out of thin air through the debt office to take up loans from the FED banks.

Inflation in the currency is much larger than the Swedish central bank is lying about, and when about 40% of the people's budget goes to food the riots will start according to Max Keyser, who is the source of 40%.

- Sweden contributes to the production of opium in Afghanistan and the military there, that is contributing to the destabilization of the country. 
- And that the media is lying about this to the Swedish people.

Our job is to educate people and pointing out the fact that government subsidies are the problem and that immigrants capitalize banks in the pyramid scheme, the so-called growth that constantly requires more people otherwise the bubble will burst.


- We stand for freedom, justice and peace.

- Learn more about us and what we stand for in our website.

Partiet De Fria (The Free Party) was formed in the middle of February this year, and has rapidly grown thanks to social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc. Currently, we are more than 700 members. Our main focus is to strengthen the rights of the individual, regardless of ethnicity, religion etc.

We stand for FREEDOM, PEACE and JUSTICE.

We want:

- a smaller government

- to decentralize power as much as possible

- to abolish fractional reserve banking

- to stop the central banks from creating money out of nothing

- Sweden to exit the EU as soon as possible

- Sweden to stop cooperating with NATO

- Sweden to withdraw all troops from foreign countries

- Sweden to be a neutral country and never again participate in illegal wars

- to rewrite the Swedish constitution to strengthen the rights of each individual

- to rewrite the law that allows the Swedish government to turn the military forces against Swedish citizens

- to abolish GMO and make Sweden a GMO-free zone

We stand for freedom of speech without infringement. We stand for a free internet without censorship and there are more points in our program!


Partiet De Fria (The Free Party) will be present in London (Watford) to show our discontent with the Bilderberg Group and its attendees. We are planning a peaceful demonstration outside the Grove Hotel. "We" are Bosse Jonsson (Founder and Member of the Board) and Daniel Nordberg (Member of the Board). Our members funded our trip to the UK in less than a week. All the receipts will be public when we are back in Sweden again.

We hope to meet many interesting people at the location. Most important, we hope to make many interviews discussing various topics but mainly the fact that elected Swedish officials will participate in the Bilderberg Conference. There is a similar law in Sweden as in the USA (The Logan Act), which we will high-light to challenge the main stream media into reporting on the event. As a political party, we find it very important to clearly say NO to the Bilderberg Group meetings. We consider it to be treason to attend these as an elected official.

We sincerely hope to get meetings with alternative media, news papers and the alike to support The Free Party to get some notice. The Swedish mass media has put the lid on tightly regarding our existence. Please send us an email if you are interested in interviewing us.



 IMMIGRANT RIOTS IN SWEDEN!! - the Zionist media go crazy - pay people to burn cars

1 kommentar:


    Khazarerna ( dagens judar) verkar som sagt ganska synkade efter deras rike gick sönder och de drog ut över världen och började nätverka.

    De har ju insett att kontroll går via pengar och propaganda.



Kommentera helst angående ämnet i artiklarna.
Juridiskt ansvar gentemot slavägarna (myndigheter) ligger helt hos kommentatorn. Uppenbara olagligheter inom hat och hets samt Bullshit & Trollshit plockas bort.