
söndag 19 maj 2013

En tiger i tanken? - Al-Qaida Oil - ett nytt spännande oljebolag i Syrien...

The Telegraph 2013-05-18
Oljefälten som tidigare kontrollerades av al-Assad och Syriens regering har bytt ägare. Al-Qaida oil - ett nytt spännande bolag, med ombuden al-Nusra Front har slagit sig in på den lönsamma oljemarknaden...

Al-Qaeda's Syrian wing takes over the oilfields once belonging to Assad

The Telegraph 2013-05-18
Up to 380,000 barrels of crude oil were previously produced by wells around the city of Raqqa and in the desert region to its east that are now in rebel hands - in particular Jabhat al-Nusra, the al-Qaeda off-shoot which is the strongest faction in this part of the country.

Now the violently anti-Western jihadist group, which has been steadily extending its control in the region, is selling the crude oil to local entrepreneurs, who use home-made refineries to produce low-grade petrol and other fuels for Syrians facing acute shortages.

The ability of Jabhat al-Nusra to profit from the oil locally, despite international sanctions which have hindered its sale abroad, will be particularly worrying to the European Union, which has voted to ease the embargo but at the same time wants to marginalise the extremist group within the opposition.

In the battle for the future of the rebel cause, the oil-fields may begin to play an increasingly strategic role. All are in the three provinces closest to Iraq - Hasakeh, Deir al-Zour, and Raqqa, while the Iraqi border regions are the homeland of the Islamic State of Iraq, as al-Qaeda's branch in the country calls itself.

It was fighters from Islamic State of Iraq, both Iraqi and Syrian, who are thought to have founded Jabhat al-Nusra as the protests against the rule of President Assad turned into civil war.

Al-Qaeda’s Syrian wing is helping to finance its activities by selling the product of oilfields that once helped to prop up the regime of Bashar al-Assad. 


Al-Qaida används av CIA & NATO för att kolonisera Afrika på nytt

Journalisten Neil Clark berättar hur USA:s framgångsrika affärsidé med "Al-Qaida" idag används för att kolonisera Afrika på nytt.   Al-Qaida skapades, beväpnades och finansierades av CIA tillsammans med Osama Bin Laden för att driva ut ryssarna ur Afghanistan.  De har sedan använts i ett otal olika krig och politiska manipulationer i media, - allt från Irak - till Jugoslavien - och just nu är de mest användbara och synliga i Syrien tillsammans med de s.k. rebellerna. *

'FSA reveals true color of terrorism'

Publicerad den 11 maj 2013
Press TV has conducted an interview with Webster Griffin Tarpley, author and historian from Washington, about al-Nusra Front terrorist group that has claimed responsibility for carrying out hundreds of acts of terror in the past year.
Vidareläsning:  *
 En tiger i tanken? - Al-Qaida Oil - ett nytt spännande oljebolag i Syrien...

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