
fredag 26 april 2013

Undersökning: 43 procent i USA beredda att ge upp rättigheter för säkerhet

43 procent i USA är beredda att ge upp rättigheter för ökad säkerhet
Infowars 2012-04-25
I två separata undersökningar som gjorts efter Boston-bombningarna, så framgår det att de flesta amerikaner, trots allt inte vill att myndigheterna utökar övervakningen eller begränsar deras nuvarande mänskliga rättigheter. 

Men det verkar vara ganska jämt då väldigt många tydligen gärna byter friheten mot tillfälligt upplevd säkerhet i USA.

Det är också första gången på 17 år som trenden verkar vända och trots de senaste händelserna i Boston så ifrågasätter nu en majoritet övervakningssamhället i USA...
A Fox News poll  
Washington Post poll 

Police searching House By House - Boston 2013


For first time in 17 years most Americans reject government crack down

Police State Show Of Force Not Working

Steve Watson April 25, 2013
In two separate polls conducted following the Boston bombings, most Americans have said that they do not support expanded government surveillance or an infringement on civil liberties.

A Fox News poll asked respondents “Would you be willing to give up some of your personal freedom in order to reduce the threat of terrorism?”

In response, 45 percent said they would not be willing to sacrifice some of their liberties, compared to 43 percent of (shee)people who said they would.

That number is down from 54 percent on figures from 2006, and down from a high of 71 percent the month after the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

It also represents the first time since 1996 that more people are unwilling to give up freedoms than those who are willing, indicating that Americans are increasingly rejecting government invasion into their privacy in the name of fighting terrorism.

Only 27 percent of respondents said they feared another terrorist attack, while 58 percent said they were simply angry about the attack. 81 percent said their everyday lives would not be changed after the bombings.

A separate Washington Post poll found that more Americans were concerned that the government would go too far in investigating terrorism than that it would not go far enough, by a margin of 48 percent to 41 percent.

57 percent said that they were not confident in the government’s ability to prevent terrorist attacks, with just 15 percent saying they had a “great deal” of confidence in the government.
95 percent said they did not leave work early or stay at home after the attacks, and 92 percent said they were not avoiding crowded or public places because of a risk of terrorism.
Both polls were conducted before Friday’s martial law style city wide lockdown.

Victims Of Boston Bombing Police State Lockdown Speak Out

Publicerad den 3 maj 2013
On the heels of Prestitute Lawrence O'Donnell calling Ron Paul a lair when he called the Man-hunt and door to door searches in Watertown Mass a martial Law exercise; Infowars reporter Dan The Kracken Bidondi went to interview residents who were forced from their homes.


Undersökning: 43 procent i USA beredda att ge upp rättigheter för säkerhet

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