
måndag 8 april 2013

Sensationell intervju med soldat på plats vid "Collateral Murder"

Intervju med soldat på plats vid "Wikileaks - Collateral Murder"
"Har försökt ta livet av mig flera gånger"

Video Publicerad den 5 apr 2013
Friday marks the third anniversary of the release of the Collateral Murder video. In it, viewers witness an Apache Helicopter raining down fire on Iraqi civilians, killing all but two. We've heard the criticism from the public after the video was released. We've seen the government conduct a worldwide manhunt to find the people responsible for leaking the video. Now, RT Correspondent Meghan Lopez sits down with one of the soldiers featured in the video, army veteran Ethan Mccord, as he describes the scene that day, the PTSD he now suffers from and his two suicide attempts.

WikiLeaks spokesman demands justice for 'Collateral Murder' victims 

Video publicerad den 5 apr 2013
Footage from Baghdad courtesy of Ingi Ragnar Ingason

Three years ago, the release of the video known as "Collateral Murder" would change the lives of many involved with incident. The clip released by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks showcased the brutality of the Iraq War when an Apache Helicopter was caught firing at innocent citizens and journalists on the ground. The video was believed to help launch the end of the conflict, but instead the US government went after those involved with leaking the information including Private First Class Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. WikiLeaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson explains how the victims are still seeking justice.

How WikiLeaks' 'Collateral Murder' changed the world

Publicerad den 5 apr 2013
Friday commemorates three years since WikiLeaks released "Collateral Murder," a video that showed US troops on board an Apache helicopter firing at innocent civilians during the height of the Iraq War. The video not only showcases the horrors of war, but caused the US government to go on a campaign to seek and prosecute the individuals behind the release. RT's Meghan Lopez takes a look back on the lives affected by blowing the whistle.

Sensationell intervju med soldat på plats vid "Collateral Murder"

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