onsdag 20 mars 2013

Wordpress.com - you´ve got mail from undermattan

Wordpress.com - you´ve got another mail from undermattan - 2013-04-03

Visit the amazing world of Swedish censorship

----- Original Message -----
>> Name: undermattan
>> Email: undermattan22@glocalnet.net
>> Website: http://undermattan.wordpress.com/
>> Comment: OPEN LETTER TO WORDPRESS.COM - from undermattan 2013-04-03
>> - YOU should stop blocking my account and my blogs associated with it.
>> - YOU have done this for over 3 months without any explanation.
>> - YOU need to explain the reason. - I dare you to give an explanation.
>> - IF YOU find that simple task to complicated - you should delete
>> everything  associated with the account, at once.
>> /undermattan - Independent Swedish Journalist

From: "Phil - WordPress.com" <tosreports@wordpress.com>
To: <undermattan22@glocalnet.net>
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2013 12:58 AM
Subject: [WordPress #1515971]: en.support: Suspended Blog -
> Hi there,
> Thank you for getting in touch.
> Your site was flagged by our automated anti-spam controls. We have
> reviewed your site and have removed the suspension notice.
> We greatly apologize for this error and any inconvenience it may have
> caused.
> Phil
> WordPress.com | Automattic Inc.

(New message sent from undermattan 2013-04-05 14:50)

Thank you for your reply.

OK. Let’s go through this once more:

- YOU should stop blocking my account and my blogs associated with it.

- IF YOU find that simple task to complicated - you should delete everything
associated with the account, at once.

My account is still being blocked by wordpress.com 2013-04-05 -14:44,
so when you actually do something more than talk, I might be impressed...

/undermattan - Independent Swedish Journalist


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