
onsdag 28 november 2012

Treåring som kissade i sin egen villaträdgård fick 16 500 i böter

Treåring kissade i sin trädgård - polis bötfällde mamman på 16 500 kronor

NewsOK 2012-11-20
De goda nyheterna är att den amerikanske polismannen som delade ut böterna avskedades efter att åklagaren avstod från att fullfölja åtalet mot mamman som vägrade betala.

Polisman Ken Qualls, 45 år, sade att han egentligen inte sett när 3-åringen kissade i sin trädgård utan han hade observerat barnet på håll och sett att 3-åringen dragit ner byxorna i trädgården.

Polisman Qualls hade då känt sig tvingad att undersöka detta fall närmare och väl inne i familjens trädgård fann polismannen då en våt fläck i närheten av där han observerat 3-åringen.

Polisman Ken Qualls skrev då omgående ut en böteslapp till pojkens mamma på 16 500 kronor. Förseelsen beskrevs juridiskt som; "offentlig urinering" angående 3-åringen och "medhjälp till lagöverträdelse från minderårig" angående mamman.

- Händelsen inträffade i Piedmont, USA.


Piedmont is a small city in Alameda County, California, United States. It is surrounded by the city of Oakland. The population was 10,667 at the 2010 census. Piedmont was incorporated in 1907 and was developed significantly in the 1920s and 1930s.


Piedmont officer is fired

over public urination ticket

(Engelsk text)
Piedmont city officials have fired a police officer who wrote a public urination citation to the mother of a 3-year-old who dropped his pants in the family's front yard.

PIEDMONT — A police officer who wrote a $2,500 ticket to a mother on a public urination complaint against her 3-year-old son has been fired, City Manager Jim Crosby said Tuesday.

Crosby said he fired officer Ken Qualls on Friday, following a hearing Nov. 14.

Prosecutors at the Canadian County district attorney's office declined to pursue the case against the mother, Crosby said.

Police Chief Alex Oblein said the ticket was written to the mother for public urination, and the complaint was amended to contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Crosby said Piedmont City Council members received emails about the ticket from as far away as Canada, England and Australia.

“Of course we did receive a lot of notoriety over that,” he said.

Qualls plans to appeal the decision, Crosby said. A hearing will be scheduled before a Piedmont personnel board.

Ken Qualls is 45 years old. Qualls has been in Piedmont over a year and has about 18 years experience in law enforcement, said Police Chief Alex Oblein.

Qualls' attorney Jarrod Leaman said Qualls is a member of the Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System and is looking at options to appeal his termination in Piedmont. A hearing has not been set.

Qualls issued the ticket Nov. 4 to Ashley Warden after he saw her son, Dillan, drop his pants in the front yard of the family home at 4505 Ryan Drive.

- Crosby said Qualls didn't see the boy urinate in the yard, but reported seeing a teenager in the Warden family lead the boy to a spot in the yard.

Oblein said the ticket given to the mother did not fit the situation. It could have resulted in a fine of up to $2,500, he said.

undermattan.blogg - Treåring som kissade i sin egen villaträdgård fick 16 500 i böter

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