
måndag 18 juni 2012

SYRIEN - Utanför Media

SYRIEN - Allt som media INTE talar om för dig...

UM-Bloggen följer utvecklingen i Syrien och rapporterar om händelser som media medvetet, på NATO:s begäran, döljer och förvränger för västvärlden.

Libyens rebeller utförde ett folkmord på landets svarta invånare, landet är fullständigt sönderbombat, små lokala krig rasar lite här och var, 50-100 000 dog till följd av NATO:s "frihetsbombningar."

Syrien behöver inte NATO:s frihet. Saker och ting blev dramatiskt sämre - inte bättre.
Det enda som blev bättre för eliten i väst och USA är att de nu kontrollerar Libyens naturtillgångar, vilket också var meningen med frihetsbombningarna som utfördes med hjälp av våra skattepengar.

- De döda är fria - resten får göra en ny revolution utan NATO:s hjälp.

Webster Tarpley:

- Mossad & CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath

*Webster Griffin Tarpley (born 1946) is an American historian, author, journalist, lecturer, and critic of US foreign and domestic policy.


"Humanitarian Intervention"

in Syria: Towards a Regional War?

Publicerades den 7 jun 2012 av
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization weighs in on the insurrectionary nature of the Syrian conflict and its potential to generate a larger regional conflict in the Middle East.

As the Syrian crisis enters its 16th month, the recent massacres in Houla and Hama have revived calls for foreign intervention and the toppling of President Bashar al-Assad.
US Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has recently hinted that the United States would soon take action outside of the Annan plan and the authority of the United Nations if the persistent violence in Syria continued unabated.

While the Syrian opposition severs its commitment to uphold Kofi Annan's peace plan and openly calls for a UN- no-fly zone to replace the monitoring mission, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has announced a new transition plan that would remove Assad from power completely.

As outside forces plan a post-Assad transition strategy, the people of Syria are fast approaching a historic crossroads, of which may lead to a broader sectarian conflict that would forever reshape the Middle East.

Publicerades den 7 jun 2012 av


Aldel Hakim Belhaj, historic leader of Al Qaeda in Libya,
Military Governor of Tripoli, chief of the Free Syrian Army.


Free Syrian Army commanded

by Military Governor of Tripoli

by Thierry Meyssan Voltaire Network | 19 December 2011

In the wake of the "Arab Spring" and NATO interventions, both official and secret, Qatar seeks to impose Islamist leaders wherever possible.

This strategy has led it not only to fund the Muslim Brotherhood and to hand Al-Jazeera over to them, but also to support Al Qaeda mercenaries, who will henceforth oversee the Free Syrian Army. However, this new scenario raises serious concerns in Israel and among the supporters of the "clash of civilizations."[...]


*Bassma Kodmani of the Syrian National Council leaves Bilderberg 2012.

Protesterna i Syrien

2012-01-27. Video från RT om läget i Syrien och den totala förvirring som råder i landet. Västländerna har varit noga med att stöda protesterna fast rebellerna bara har cirka 30% av befolkningens stöd.

Frågan är hur regeringarna här i väst reagerat om våra demonstranter gick omkring med granatgevär och pansarvärnsvapen på ryggen i demonstrationstågen..?  Med politiken som förs just nu lär vi nog få svar på den frågan förr eller senare...

Värt att notera är att demonstrationerna mot Irakkriget i många västländer var större i omfattning än demonstrationerna varit i Syrien mot regimen...

Från en Text 2007 i "fria tidningen:

""Den 15 februari 2003 demonstrerade tio miljoner människor över hela världen mot USA:s angrepp på Irak. Mellan 20 000 och 30 000 av dem fanns i Göteborg och gjorde demonstrationen till en av de största i svensk historia. Den samlade fler än under Vietnamkriget.

- Det ovanliga med situationen då var draghjälpen från mainstreammedia, Expressens löpsedlar uppmanade till att demonstrera.

Men trots att alla ursäkter för invasionen kommit på skam och trots att kriget urartat till en mardröm med över 600 000 döda irakier har anti-krigsdemonstrationerna bara mattats av. Demonstrationerna nu hålls av tradition varje årsdag av Irakkriget och har samlat ett tusental personer.

Vanmakt över kriget nämns som huvudorsak till det falnande engagemanget. En annan orsak är att en del av göteborgarna med bakgrund i regionen valt att stödja den nya irakiska regimen.""[...]


Media är NATO:s propagandakanal och dessvärre en del av krigsindustrin

RT 2012-07-08
The Western media's coverage of the Syrian conflict has drawn comparisons to how it covered conflicts in the past, most notably the series of brutal wars that accompanied the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s.

­James Jatras, the director of the American Council on Kosovo, believes the similarities between the two conflicts run deep.

There are similarities on three crucial levels when we look at Syria,” Jatras told RT. “One has to do with the international system, the rule of law, the role of the Security Council. Another has to do with the status of sovereign states, and how you treat a sovereign state that has an insurgency within its borders.

The third level involves taking a complex situation involving atrocities and violence committed on both sides of the conflict, and attributing them only to one side.

What you do is come up with a concept, and you fit the facts into the concept. You don’t take a step back in good faith, look at what’s really going on, look at the suffering of people on both sides,” Jatras noted.

Jatras believes that the West has essentially been pouring gasoline on a smoldering fire, using words like “genocide,” and only wants victory for one side and utter destruction for the other.  

He also took note of the similar fates of the Christian population in both the Kosovo and the Syrian conflict.

“Why is it that in the name of fighting terrorism and promoting democracy, the United States always seems to find itself on the side of jihadist elements engaging in terrorism...

...with predictable results for the Christian population, as we saw in Kosovo when half of the Orthodox Serb population had to flee the province, and thousands of them were killed by the ‘liberators,’ – the Kosovo Liberation Army?"

Jatras told RT that there are several reasons why the United States may be willing to support Islamic fundamentalists.

Most importantly, it is America’s cozy relationship with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States, and hence its desire to show it has its friends' backs when it comes to facilitating an environment for international commerce.


'Assad is completely demonized

by the press' – RT’s interviewer

RT 2012-11-08
The Syrian conflict is exponentially more complicated than portrayed in the press – and as for President Bashar Assad, he is a well-educated man who has fallen victim to media demonization, says RT’s Sophie Shevardnadze.


Intervju med Syriens President,

Bashar Assad, 2012-11-09

RT 2012-11-09
In an exclusive interview with RT, President Bashar Assad said that the conflict in Syria is not a civil war, but proxy terrorism by Syrians and foreign fighters. He also accused the Turkish PM of eyeing Syria with imperial ambitions.

Assad told RT that the West creates scapegoats as enemies – from communism, to Islam, to Saddam Hussein. He accused Western countries of aiming to turn him into their next enemy.

While mainstream media outlets generally report on the crisis as a battle between Assad and Syrian opposition groups, the president claims that his country has been infiltrated by numerous terrorist proxy groups fighting on behalf of other powers.

In the event of a foreign invasion of Syria, Assad warned, the fallout would be too dire for the world to bear.

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 SYRIEN - Utanför Media

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