lördag 4 februari 2012


The official website Department of Homeland Security dhs.gov was reported that was taken down for a couple of minutes.

4 Februari 2012

3 GB känslig info läckt på nätet

Last night one of the core members of the  anonymous group announced that some major leaks will take place tomorrow. Operation F**k FBI Friday started with the release of a secret call conference between the FBI and the Scotland yard talking about anonymous. Amazingly the group managed to hack a 17 mins secret conversation and leak it to the public.

The full conference was uploaded on several clouds but also on youtube @ watch?v=pl3spwzUZfQ. #FFF went beyond the FBI call release. The group managed to bring two more websites down by now 10:44PM GMT.

At 3:00PM GMT the official site of Boston Police Department was hacked and defaced. The database has also leaked to the public since it was posted on the first page of bpdnews.com.

Grekiska rättsväsendets sida hackad +
inloggningsuppgifterna utlagda på nätet

3 Februari 2012.
Another hit from anonymous was reported the morning early hours.  AT 5:30AM GMT @YourAnonNews announced that the official website of Ministry of Justice ministryofjustice.gr defaced. The group claims that all the login and passwords information have leaked.

The attacks was said to be against the near-bankrupt country’s bailout by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund which has been associated with unpopular austerity policies.

“You have joined the IMF against your people’s acquiescence… democracy was given birth in your country but you have killed it,” The two minutes video said. Full video @youtube

The message that was left on the front page website says that more attacks will take place on the media like ERT.

US Police Stations under

anonymous attack

Anonymous hacked into Salt Lake City Police slcpd.com website last night and stolen login information along with passwords of the website as a part of the operation Piggy Bank #OpPiggyBank.

As soon as the site admins found out the leak they brought down the whole site and the site is still offline with the message “We are working on replacing content for the website.” The attacks however did not stop last night, two more attacks took place a couple of minutes ago.

At 11:20pm GMT CabinCr3w claimed that him and ItsKahuna breached two police departments websites and hacked sensitive data from them over 500 police officers social security numbers, addresses and badge numbers have leaked to the public from the website of Texas Police association texaspoliceassociation.com/.

On the same operation the Syracuse police department has been also hacked and the username along with the passwords  have also leaked to public via pastebin. Syracuse official website syracusepolice.org.

The message left from anonymous for the operation is below:

Dear Texas Police Dept,

Paid administrative leave should be reserved for injured cops, cops with pregnant wives, and cops who declare themselves conscientious objectors to a raid. Not a kiddie porn collecting cop. It looks as if Texas PD hasn’t improved since the cousin of the PD, the Texas Youth Commission was caught with rape rooms.

Targets: Texas PD and Syracuse
Why: Insufficient effort



Judgment: - We must troll you”

More details can be found at the original source @pastebin

Update 04/02/2012: More websites have been the target of this operation. CabinCr3w announced at 4:00AM GMT that two more website of the Newark city have been defaced.

The Newark Police Foundation newarkpolicefoundation.org and the official website of the Newark City www.ci.newark.nj.us where the targets this time. Hight risk of data leak.

Publicerat som Information. Texter och bilder tillhör sina respektive upphovsmän

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